Monday, March 23, 2009

City vs. Country

This past weekend my family and I took a roadtrip from the city to the country. As the city lights became less visible in our rearview mirror more and more forestry and flatland became visible before us. One of my favorite pasttimes is thinking about flowers and their beauty. I had the camera ready because I knew it was the time of year we could appreciate the beauty of the wildflowers along the highway. There were mostly bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes and morning glories. Boy were they beautiful. As my husband zoomed down the highway going 80mph my daughter and I tried to take pictures. Of course, none of them were in focus.

As we got closer to our destination I began to think more and more about the differences between the country and the city. We were in the country to attend the funeral of one of my hussband's cousins. The service was held in the same funeral home that had buried relatives generations earlier. The place was not very big. There were about 46 chairs set up and there were probably about 55 people attending the service. The space was probably only intended for 30 people to sit comfortable. Many of the people attending traveled from the big city. As I watched people with their Bluetooths still connected to their ears I thought about how out of place they seemed here, but would not have seemed out of sorts in the city. That's the city versus the country. The preacher was a member of the family. As he delivered his message every time someone moved everyone heard. That's city versus country. Each time the door opened there was the loud screeeeech that screen doors make. You know what I'm talking about if you've ever been to the country.

If you think it's embarrassing to forget to turn your cellphone off and it goes off in church in the city, imagine the embarrassment if it goes off in a country room designed to hold only 30 people (but there are about 50)!

After the service we went to my husband's aunt's house for the respice. Her house was along the highway. Everyone sat outside, ate and caught up on how family members have been. This wasn't done inside a house with everyone gathering in the family room and kitchen. We were sitting outside. Some were sitting on the porch while others were sitting on the side of the house. That's the difference between the city and the country.

Going to the country was a real treat. It helps us city folk remember how far we have come!


  1. I'm really a country mouse living in the city. While the city has its opportunities, I get lonesome for the rich heritage that goes with country or small town life.

  2. My husband's family is from a small town- Perryton, Texas. While I think it is a neat town, I could never live there! I am too much of a city girl I guess- I need my shopping and restaurants. My husband's great aunt didn't even know what a Blockbuster was! :)

  3. My husband's family has a lakehouse in Avinger, Texas. A very small town with one stoplight. We loved visiting the town. Everything is in slow motion and nobody is in a hurry. Perfection!
